id: $schema: description: The description of OpenAPI v3.0.x Documents type: object required: - openapi - info - paths properties: openapi: type: string pattern: ^3\.0\.\d(-.+)?$ info: $ref: '#/definitions/Info' externalDocs: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalDocumentation' servers: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Server' security: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SecurityRequirement' tags: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Tag' uniqueItems: true paths: $ref: '#/definitions/Paths' components: $ref: '#/definitions/Components' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false definitions: Reference: type: object required: - $ref patternProperties: '^\$ref$': type: string format: uri-reference Info: type: object required: - title - version properties: title: type: string description: type: string termsOfService: type: string format: uri-reference contact: $ref: '#/definitions/Contact' license: $ref: '#/definitions/License' version: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Contact: type: object properties: name: type: string url: type: string format: uri-reference email: type: string format: email patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false License: type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string url: type: string format: uri-reference patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Server: type: object required: - url properties: url: type: string description: type: string variables: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/ServerVariable' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false ServerVariable: type: object required: - default properties: enum: type: array items: type: string default: type: string description: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Components: type: object properties: schemas: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' responses: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/Response' parameters: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/Parameter' examples: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/Example' requestBodies: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/RequestBody' headers: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/Header' securitySchemes: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/SecurityScheme' links: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/Link' callbacks: type: object patternProperties: '^[a-zA-Z0-9\.\-_]+$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - $ref: '#/definitions/Callback' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Schema: type: object properties: title: type: string multipleOf: type: number exclusiveMinimum: 0 maximum: type: number exclusiveMaximum: type: boolean default: false minimum: type: number exclusiveMinimum: type: boolean default: false maxLength: type: integer minimum: 0 minLength: type: integer minimum: 0 default: 0 pattern: type: string format: regex maxItems: type: integer minimum: 0 minItems: type: integer minimum: 0 default: 0 uniqueItems: type: boolean default: false maxProperties: type: integer minimum: 0 minProperties: type: integer minimum: 0 default: 0 required: type: array items: type: string minItems: 1 uniqueItems: true enum: type: array items: {} minItems: 1 uniqueItems: false type: type: string enum: - array - boolean - integer - number - object - string not: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' allOf: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' oneOf: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' anyOf: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' properties: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' - type: boolean default: true description: type: string format: type: string default: {} nullable: type: boolean default: false discriminator: $ref: '#/definitions/Discriminator' readOnly: type: boolean default: false writeOnly: type: boolean default: false example: {} externalDocs: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalDocumentation' deprecated: type: boolean default: false xml: $ref: '#/definitions/XML' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Discriminator: type: object required: - propertyName properties: propertyName: type: string mapping: type: object additionalProperties: type: string XML: type: object properties: name: type: string namespace: type: string format: uri prefix: type: string attribute: type: boolean default: false wrapped: type: boolean default: false patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Response: type: object required: - description properties: description: type: string headers: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Header' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' content: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/MediaType' links: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Link' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false MediaType: type: object properties: schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' example: {} examples: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Example' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' encoding: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/Encoding' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ExampleXORExamples' Example: type: object properties: summary: type: string description: type: string value: {} externalValue: type: string format: uri-reference patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Header: type: object properties: description: type: string required: type: boolean default: false deprecated: type: boolean default: false allowEmptyValue: type: boolean default: false style: type: string enum: - simple default: simple explode: type: boolean allowReserved: type: boolean default: false schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' content: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/MediaType' minProperties: 1 maxProperties: 1 example: {} examples: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Example' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ExampleXORExamples' - $ref: '#/definitions/SchemaXORContent' Paths: type: object patternProperties: '^\/': $ref: '#/definitions/PathItem' '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false PathItem: type: object properties: $ref: type: string summary: type: string description: type: string get: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' put: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' post: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' delete: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' options: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' head: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' patch: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' trace: $ref: '#/definitions/Operation' servers: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Server' parameters: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Parameter' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' uniqueItems: true patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Operation: type: object required: - responses properties: tags: type: array items: type: string summary: type: string description: type: string externalDocs: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalDocumentation' operationId: type: string parameters: type: array items: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Parameter' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' uniqueItems: true requestBody: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/RequestBody' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' responses: $ref: '#/definitions/Responses' callbacks: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Callback' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' deprecated: type: boolean default: false security: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/SecurityRequirement' servers: type: array items: $ref: '#/definitions/Server' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Responses: type: object properties: default: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Response' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' patternProperties: '^[1-5](?:\d{2}|XX)$': oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Response' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' '^x-': {} minProperties: 1 additionalProperties: false SecurityRequirement: type: object additionalProperties: type: array items: type: string Tag: type: object required: - name properties: name: type: string description: type: string externalDocs: $ref: '#/definitions/ExternalDocumentation' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false ExternalDocumentation: type: object required: - url properties: description: type: string url: type: string format: uri-reference patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false ExampleXORExamples: description: Example and examples are mutually exclusive not: required: [example, examples] SchemaXORContent: description: Schema and content are mutually exclusive, at least one is required not: required: [schema, content] oneOf: - required: [schema] - required: [content] description: Some properties are not allowed if content is present allOf: - not: required: [style] - not: required: [explode] - not: required: [allowReserved] - not: required: [example] - not: required: [examples] Parameter: type: object properties: name: type: string in: type: string description: type: string required: type: boolean default: false deprecated: type: boolean default: false allowEmptyValue: type: boolean default: false style: type: string explode: type: boolean allowReserved: type: boolean default: false schema: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Schema' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' content: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/MediaType' minProperties: 1 maxProperties: 1 example: {} examples: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Example' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false required: - name - in allOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/ExampleXORExamples' - $ref: '#/definitions/SchemaXORContent' oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/PathParameter' - $ref: '#/definitions/QueryParameter' - $ref: '#/definitions/HeaderParameter' - $ref: '#/definitions/CookieParameter' PathParameter: description: Parameter in path required: - required properties: in: enum: [path] style: enum: [matrix, label, simple] default: simple required: enum: [true] QueryParameter: description: Parameter in query properties: in: enum: [query] style: enum: [form, spaceDelimited, pipeDelimited, deepObject] default: form HeaderParameter: description: Parameter in header properties: in: enum: [header] style: enum: [simple] default: simple CookieParameter: description: Parameter in cookie properties: in: enum: [cookie] style: enum: [form] default: form RequestBody: type: object required: - content properties: description: type: string content: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/MediaType' required: type: boolean default: false patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false SecurityScheme: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/APIKeySecurityScheme' - $ref: '#/definitions/HTTPSecurityScheme' - $ref: '#/definitions/OAuth2SecurityScheme' - $ref: '#/definitions/OpenIdConnectSecurityScheme' APIKeySecurityScheme: type: object required: - type - name - in properties: type: type: string enum: - apiKey name: type: string in: type: string enum: - header - query - cookie description: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false HTTPSecurityScheme: type: object required: - scheme - type properties: scheme: type: string bearerFormat: type: string description: type: string type: type: string enum: - http patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false oneOf: - description: Bearer properties: scheme: type: string pattern: ^[Bb][Ee][Aa][Rr][Ee][Rr]$ - description: Non Bearer not: required: [bearerFormat] properties: scheme: not: type: string pattern: ^[Bb][Ee][Aa][Rr][Ee][Rr]$ OAuth2SecurityScheme: type: object required: - type - flows properties: type: type: string enum: - oauth2 flows: $ref: '#/definitions/OAuthFlows' description: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false OpenIdConnectSecurityScheme: type: object required: - type - openIdConnectUrl properties: type: type: string enum: - openIdConnect openIdConnectUrl: type: string format: uri-reference description: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false OAuthFlows: type: object properties: implicit: $ref: '#/definitions/ImplicitOAuthFlow' password: $ref: '#/definitions/PasswordOAuthFlow' clientCredentials: $ref: '#/definitions/ClientCredentialsFlow' authorizationCode: $ref: '#/definitions/AuthorizationCodeOAuthFlow' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false ImplicitOAuthFlow: type: object required: - authorizationUrl - scopes properties: authorizationUrl: type: string format: uri-reference refreshUrl: type: string format: uri-reference scopes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false PasswordOAuthFlow: type: object required: - tokenUrl - scopes properties: tokenUrl: type: string format: uri-reference refreshUrl: type: string format: uri-reference scopes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false ClientCredentialsFlow: type: object required: - tokenUrl - scopes properties: tokenUrl: type: string format: uri-reference refreshUrl: type: string format: uri-reference scopes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false AuthorizationCodeOAuthFlow: type: object required: - authorizationUrl - tokenUrl - scopes properties: authorizationUrl: type: string format: uri-reference tokenUrl: type: string format: uri-reference refreshUrl: type: string format: uri-reference scopes: type: object additionalProperties: type: string patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false Link: type: object properties: operationId: type: string operationRef: type: string format: uri-reference parameters: type: object additionalProperties: {} requestBody: {} description: type: string server: $ref: '#/definitions/Server' patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false not: description: Operation Id and Operation Ref are mutually exclusive required: [operationId, operationRef] Callback: type: object additionalProperties: $ref: '#/definitions/PathItem' patternProperties: '^x-': {} Encoding: type: object properties: contentType: type: string headers: type: object additionalProperties: oneOf: - $ref: '#/definitions/Header' - $ref: '#/definitions/Reference' style: type: string enum: - form - spaceDelimited - pipeDelimited - deepObject explode: type: boolean allowReserved: type: boolean default: false patternProperties: '^x-': {} additionalProperties: false