module main import log import os @[noinit] struct Cache { base_path string } fn string) !Cache {'using cache dir: ${base_path}') os.mkdir_all(base_path) or { return error('failed to create cache directory ${base_path}') } return Cache{ base_path: base_path } } fn Cache.default() !Cache { base_path := os.getenv_opt('XDG_CACHE_HOME') or { os.getenv('HOME') + '.cache' } cache_dir := os.join_path(base_path, 'setup-browser') return } fn (c Cache) dir_no_create(name ...string) !string { return os.join_path(c.base_path, } fn (c Cache) path(name ...string) !string { dir := os.join_path(c.base_path, os.mkdir_all(dir) or { return error('failed to create directory ${dir}') } return dir } fn (c Cache) file(name ...string) !string { file := os.join_path(c.base_path, os.mkdir_all(os.dir(file)) or { return error('failed to create directory ${os.dir(file)}') } return file }